First things first
Choosing an agent to sell your property is an important decision. Here's just a few of the factors it may be helpful to consider.
Results are all-important. Naturally you want the best possible price and the performance of your agent will likely determine whether or not you get it. I dedicate myself to delivering outstanding results. My proven approach has seen me consistently achieve sale prices beyond vendor expectations, including many record results. My negotiation skills ensure you have the upper hand in any situation and help deliver a final result few would be capable of matching.
You want advice you know you can rely on. When selling your home there are many questions that race through your mind. What’s my property really worth? How much should I spend on marketing? Should I style my property? What do I really need to do to prepare my property for sale? What is a good offer? They’re big questions and it’s important to have someone you can trust to provide reliable answers. I pride myself on offering astute advice based on my many years of experience and your best interests.
Your property deserves more than a little attention. Some agents believe they can juggle ten to twenty properties at once. While it’s profitable for them, it’s probably not an approach that will bring you great results. Doing things well takes time and to give your property a deserved level of attention, I strictly limit the number of listings I take on. Typically I deal with a small number of properties at any time. By doing so, I ensure each of my clients is kept fully informed, that every opportunity is pursued and that ultimately the best price is attained.
It’s refreshing to know just who you are dealing with. Most real estate agencies are hectic places and getting hold of your agent, their assistant or someone who knows just what’s going on can be a trying experience. I work as a dedicated one person operation, meaning when you call I pick up the phone, when you speak you have my undivided attention and when it’s time to negotiate a sale you have someone with years of experience on your side.
There’s nothing worse than thinking “if only” Selling your property can be a nerve-wracking experience at the best of times. When you sense your agent isn’t performing it can be extremely frustrating and ultimately very expensive. I dedicate myself to ensuring all aspects of your property’s sale are managed flawlessly. This is how I consistently achieve outstanding sales results and it’s the reason why my clients recommend me to their friends. Before you sell your home it’s critical that you’re comfortable with your choice of agent. To find out more, or to discuss your requirements in detail, I invite you to contact me now on 9560 1259, 0418 440 653 or email me at